The BCCA‘s approach to improving sustainable land management for the Burnett region is primarily focussed on partnering with and empower landholders.
In addition to workshops, field days, educational resources and advocacy, the BCCA has brokered funding for over 1000 onground projects with financial support from government and non government investors.
On this page you will find a range of resources particularly provided to Burnett region landholders.

How We Help

Workshops, Field Days and other educational opportunities for Landholders.
Browse current funding opportunities for landholders to undertake onground projects via our current programs.
Case Studies
The case studies of other landholder projects can be helpful in learning the how and why of your own sustainable land management.
Other Resources
A collection of helpful resources for land managers interested in sustainability.
Current Programs
Natural Resources Investment Program
The Reef Water Quality- Burnett Grazing Project is an initiative of the Burnett Mary Regional Group and is supported by funding from the Queensland Government. The project is coordinated locally by Burnett Catchment Care Association.
This project aims to help build the capacity of agriculturalists in the Eidsvold and Mundubbera districts and support the development of meaningful and long-lasting resilience by addressing the fundamental economic and NRM foundations of the region.
The project aims to enable farmers in the Inland Burnett to confidently invest in soil testing regimes, appropriate to their production system, by demonstrating the tangible benefits and value.
This project is supported by Burnett Catchment Care Association, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program
Burnett Koala Program
The Burnett Koala Program is a citizen scientist-based project aimed at raising awareness regarding the significance of regional koala populations and habitat health, in addition to contributing to understanding koala distribution, presence, activity and habitat health in the Burnett catchment region.
This project aims to increase the capacity and skills of Inland Burnett graziers through developing personalised Property Management Plans (PMP’s) using Queensland Globe.
The CAP identifies may assets and threats in the Region with impacts on the Great Barrier Reef and aims to develop strategies to address these threats to provide benefit to the marine and coastal environments.
Mount Lawless Water Monitoring
BCCA are contracted through The State of Queensland as represented by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation (DSITI), for the ongoing monitoring of water quality at the Burnett River at Mount Lawless. Mount Lawless is one of the 43 sites involved in the Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program.
Project aims to create a long-term and sustainable management of Cat’s Claw Creeper and Parthenium in the North Burnett region via the ongoing production and use of effective biocontrol agents.
This project is supported by Burnett Catchment Care Association, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
This project aims to further the group cohesion of Monto Graziers via social connectedness while also building their capacity and drought resilience. Monto Graziers is a group of like-minded graziers who provide support to each other to improve their grazing practices via capacity building and peer-to-peer influence. Under the guise of education, the group also provides a social outlet and mental health support for drought stricken graziers.
This project is supported by Burnett Catchment Care Association, and coordinated by the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal, through funding from the Australia Government’s Future Drought Fund.
Landholder Resources
The Burnett Mary Regional Group for NRM (BMRG) is a community based, not for profit organisation that delivers targeted natural resource management outcomes for the Burnett Mary region.
Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (MLA)
Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (MLA) is the marketing, research and development body for Australia’s red meat and livestock industry. MLA is a not-for-profit organisation owned by cattle, sheep and goat producers. It is funded by a levy on livestock sales, with the Federal Government providing matching funds for R&D investment.
Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM)
Department of Natural Resources and Mines work is to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of our state’s natural resources – water, land, minerals and energy – for the benefit of current and future generations of Queenslanders.
Bundaberg Fruit And Vege Growers (BFVG)
Bundaberg Fruit And Vege Growers (BFVG) provide a number of diverse and essential services to members to improve on-farm practices; educating consumers, the community and assisting with building a secure workforce.
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries provide leadership for the growth and sustainable development of food, fibre, fishing and forestry industries and to optimise their contribution to economic, environment and social outcomes for Queensland.
Canegrowers is the peak body for Australian sugarcane growers representing around 80% of Australia’s sugarcane growers.
AgForce is an advocate for the broadacre industries of cattle, grain and sheep and wool, representing producers their families, their communities and the wider rural sector. AgForce is in the business of “making a difference” in regional and rural Queensland.
Queensland Dairyfarmers’ Organisation (QDO)
Queensland Dairyfarmers’ Organisation (QDO) is the peak advocacy organisation representing the interests of dairy farmers across Queensland.