Bugs, Beetles and Biocontrol

Transforming landscapes in the Burnett through innovative management practices
2022 – 2024

This project was funded by the National Landcare Program and advanced a range of biocontrol solutions that challenge traditional approaches and improve the way the established weed species of Parthenium and Cat’s Claw Creeper (CCC) are managed in the Inland Burnett.

It is designed to create a long-term & sustainable management of Parthenium & CCC in the Inland Burnett Region via the production & use of multiple effective biocontrol agents.


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The Opportunity

To accomplish this goal the project established a biocontrol breeding facilities at Monto.

The Monto facility was used to produce CCC biocontrol agents; Jewel Beetle and Tingid Bug.  CCC has widespread impacts on native ecosystems, particularly vulnerable riparian zones.  Interested landholders received bottles of 100 agents to release over 3 seasons.

Parthenium is one of the greatest weed pest species in Australia due to its invasiveness, potential to spread, economic & environmental impacts, which include decreasing viability of livestock production, harbouring plant disease, significantly impacting biodiversity & causing health complications in humans.

There are currently 9 insects and 2 rusts (fungi) released in Australia that are used as biocontrol agents on Parthenium.    These agents wont eradicate Parthenium but instead control it by feeding and/or affecting the leaves, stems, roots, seeds and flowers.  Therefore, a combination of agents result in a greater reduction of Parthenium weed.

Biosecurity Queensland indicate we have at least three biocontrol agents already present in the region. Therefore, we will be harvesting others from the field, particularly around the Central Queensland (CQ) region.

Zygogramma biocolorata (beetle), Winter Rust and Summer Rust were introduced to monitoring sites and landholder sites throughout the Inland Burnett.

Targeting the upper catchment of the Burnett River system will have positive long-term impact on weed reproductive material reduction & the migration of biological control agents further downstream, expanding the control impact of this project throughout the entire catchment over the longer-term.


Opportunity Problem Image
Jewel Beetle – biocontrol agent for Cats Claw Creeper

Zygogramma bicolorata – biocontrol agent for Parthenium


Jewel Beetles and Tingid Bugs are both proven biocontrol agents for Cat’s Claw Creeper.  A total of over 15,000 Jewel Beetles and over 3000 Tingid Bugs were breed at the biocontrol facility.  Forty-two landholders, 2 Landcare groups, North Burnett Regional Council and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS) were involved in distributing the biocontrol agents over 78 sites in the Inland Burnett; across a total area of land managed of around 56,000 hectares.

In March 2022, the Parthenium leaf-feeding beetle, Zygogramma biocolorata was collected from Central Queensland.  Eight landholders and NBRC Land Protection Officers received bottles of beetles for release at 11 release sites in the North Burnett.  Unfortunately, they did not emerge from diapause (a phase where they enter the soil as larva and emerge as adult beetles with spring rains and warmer weather) at any of the release sites.

In February 2024, we collected Summer Rust; a fungus introduced to assist in the control of Parthenium.  Initial monitoring in April 2024, showed a marked spread from the release site.  

More project results to follow.

Tingid bugs causing the characteristic white speckling on the leaves of Cats Claw Creeper vine.

Tingid bugs causing the characteristic white speckling on the leaves of Cats Claw Creeper vine.

Summer Rust release site – yellowing and browning off of Parthenium.


Program News

BCCA out and about in the Burnett

BCCA out and about in the Burnett

BCCA attended 3 North Burnett Shows (Monto, Eidsvold and Mundubbera) and set up with NBRC Recovery Officer, SES and Rural Fire to provide information and support to producers including soil mapping info, grants available, technical support, biocontrol agents, weed and...

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Brian Pastures Field Day

Brian Pastures Field Day

BCCA attended the Brian Pastures Field Day last week and with over 200 people in attendance, gave us the opportunity to showcase some of our current project at our trade stall.  Particularly our biocontrol project which involved breeding biocontrol agents for Cat's...

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BCCA @ the Monto Show

BCCA @ the Monto Show

BCCA's Katie Muller, Misty Neilson and Melinda Clarke, attended the local Monto Show on Saturday 22 April.  We saw 43 interested individuals come through out stall. The public were able to view our Greater Glider nesting boxes, constructed by the Monto Men's Shed,...

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Jewel Beetles released into the Inland Burnett

Jewel Beetles released into the Inland Burnett

𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐰 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 (CCC) is a long lived perennial vine native to Central and South America. It was introduced into Australia as an ornamental garden plant because of its vigourous growth and large, bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers it produces in spring. The vine...

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Get involved in our Biocontrol Program

Get involved in our Biocontrol Program

Burnett Catchment Care Association (BCCA) received a National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grant to establish biocontrol breeding facilities in Monto.  The facility will be used to produce biocontrol agents for Cats Claw Creeper (CCC) and Parthenium....

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New Biocontrol project for BCCA

New Biocontrol project for BCCA

Burnett Catchment Care Association were recently successful in receiving a National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4 grant. Our project - ‘Bugs, Beetles and Biocontrol – Transforming landscapes in the Burnett through innovative management practices’...

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Program Sponsors

This project was supported by the following partners and investors.

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