Drought Relief Assistance Scheme

Drought Relief Assistance Scheme

This scheme provides Queensland drought-declared farming businesses with subsidies and rebates of between $20,000 and $50,000 per property, per financial year to help manage the welfare of their livestock during drought. Who can apply: At a minimum, you must: be a...
EROSION CONTROL ADVICE – North Burnett Landholders

EROSION CONTROL ADVICE – North Burnett Landholders

Have you suffered erosion damage as a result of recent natural disasters? Would some expert advice help you better repair this damage? FREE support being offered to North Burnett landholders includes, a property visit by a local soil conservation specialist, to:...


Have you heard of FeralScan? FeralScan is a free resource for landholder, community groups and pest controllers which can be used to report pest animal sightings and the damage they cause.  It allows landholders to report pest animal sightings and damage quickly...
Monto Ag Strategy Survey

Monto Ag Strategy Survey

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the recent Monto Ag Strategy Survey.  In total we received 50 responses that covered a range of industries including beef, grain, hay, pork, dairy and some small crops. The key findings will form a great basis for the...
Clifton Dalby Bus Trip

Clifton Dalby Bus Trip

A group of 12 Growers from the Monto district climbed aboard the bus for a couple of intense days of learning. The group departed for Dalby on Tuesday afternoon and had an early start on Wednesday morning. First up, a scenic drive from Dalby to Allora via Cecil Plains...
Getting the Edge in Business

Getting the Edge in Business

BCCA was excited to subsidise 16 North Burnett members to attend a Business Edge – Know Business, Grow your Business Workshop, hosted by Bush Agribusiness in Monto on 29-30 April. The Business Edge is part of MLA’s EDGEnetwork suite of courses which aim to offer...
Cover Cropping in Monto

Cover Cropping in Monto

On a warm Monday in November an enthusiastic group of 17 met in Monto to learn about multi-species cover cropping with Graeme Hand and Colin Seis. Colin Seis is a pioneer of Pasture Cropping and recipient of the Bob Hawke Landcare Award. He discussed the advantages of...
Kirstie Roffey – Community Resilience Officer

Kirstie Roffey – Community Resilience Officer

Hi, I’m Kirstie Roffey and have recently started with BCCA on a full-time basis, as a Community Resilience Officer. Based in Monto, my role is to coordinate the North Burnett Natural Disaster Resilience Program (NDRP), as well as provide general support to the BCCA...

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