The Department of Natural Resource and Mines is holding a number of information sessions across Queensland on the reforms to the Vegetation Management Act 1999. The sessions will provide an overview of the new exemptions, new mapping products available, how...
A few workshops are coming up in November 2013, all just outside of our Burnett catchment. Being run by the FutureBeef program, all are excellent opportunities to learn more and get planning for the coming growing season. Check out the links below for more...
If you have a weed that you come across on your property or on your fishing trip around the Burnett and you come across a plant you think might be a weed, what do you do? If you have a smartphone or tablet (aka Android or iPhone/iPad) then you can download the FREE...
The Restoring the Balance: Carbon Farming Solutions will provide relevant Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation information and tools to land managers in the Burnett Mary region. It is a joint project between Burnett...
Are you keeping any eye out for new weed patches either in your creeks or on the areas of land that were inundated with water this year? Specific weeds to keep watch for especially in the northern and central Burnett areas are Parthenium weed and Giant Rats Tail grass...
When you think of a birder, you’re probably thinking about grandma looking out the back window at the blue jay coming to her birdfeeder, or perhaps a group of middle-aged men wandering through the local park in their vests. Think again — there are millions of birders...
Damage to pumps and pipes; there has been a terrible mess to clean up this year. But support and advice from BMRG together with Sunfam will hopefully get us back on track: Advice for irrigators on irrigation equipment and planning ‘flood friendly’ irrigation...
In this issue: Property Management Planning for the Burnett Qld State Landcare Conference Welcome Marisa Young Flood Recovery Riparian Fencing BCCA staffer meets Allan Savory To view the latest issue of the burnett buzz click...
For more information or to renew your membership, contact the BCCA Secretary on 07 4166 3898 or email [email protected] Download the AGM 2013 Notice and Agenda. All members and guests welcome.
AgForce in partnership with Australian Wool Innovation and the Queensland Government are providing vital information about how you can get involved in a community strategy for controlling wild dogs, pigs and foxes in your region. GAYNDAH – Tuesday, 10 September,...
There has been an extension to the closing date for all entities eligible for assistance under the Special Disaster Assistance Scheme to the 29th November 2013. Hopefully this may give those primary producers, small business owners and non-profit organisations a bit...