Survey for Peter Andrews to visit the Burnett region

The Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) are considering hosting a Peter Andrews field day/workshop, in the Burnett Region. Peter Andrews is a grazier and race horse breeder from Bylong in the Upper Hunter Valley and has gained fundamental insights into the natural...

Phoenix Mapping and Cropping Training, Monto

Presented by AgData Australia & hosted by BCCA  The Phoenix Mapping module covers organising and displaying spatial data and the concepts involved in farm infrastructure planning and recording.  The ability to select and load the appropriate imagery and map data,...

Decent rains

10am Wednesday morning Originally uploaded by betterburnett Flood warnings are out for the Burnett River and surrounding tributaries and you can see why! This photo is of the Burnett River at Jones Weir at Mundubbera. The weir has been flowing over thanks to a good...

What’s in your soil?

What’s in your soil? Originally uploaded by betterburnett We had a great turnout for our Compost Tea workshop in Mundubbera this week. Producers came from all over the catchment to learn about compost, why it’s so good and how to put it to use by making it...

AgForce Cattle Board Open Forum

The Agforce Cattle board will hold it’s next open forum at the Gayndah Shire Hall, between 10 am and 3 pm on Friday 5th March.  The open forums are held twice a year to allow Agforce members and all participants in the industry to hear about the work of the...

Soil biology and compost teas

If the our local paper in the North Burnett is anything to go by, soil biology is a hot topic at the moment.  And why shouldn’t it be?  Many farmers and graziers here in Queensland are seeing the benefits of healthy soils. Funding from the Australian...

Unique species needs a hand

If you’d like to GET INVOLVED in hands-on work that will really make a difference to the survival of one of our unique Australian species you can! We need volunteers who live or holiday in the Bundaberg (Queensland, Aus) region who are willing to get down to the...

A poem by the late Charlee Marshall, Thangool

We found this poem whilst sorting out a few old files.  From what we can gather, it was written back in the late 1980’s, before climate change was such a hot topic as it is these days…….We are not sure of the title of the poem. I am a plain and...

Grains BMP Workshop coming to Monto

A Grains BMP workshop is scheduled for Monto, on Tuesday 9th February 2010.  The workshop will be presented by the Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries (QPI&F).   What is Grains BMP? A range of skills and best practices for grains production in Queensland...

Cash for woodland management

The crew at Private Forestry Southern Queensland (PFSQ) are pleased to be able to continue to support and promote sustainable forest management in our region with funding through the federal government’s Caring for our Country program. is the...

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