Reef Water Quality - Grazing Program
2013 - 2016The objective of the Reef Water Quality Grants and Partnerships funding, under the Reef Programme (formerly Reef Rescue) is to improve the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon by providing landholders with advice and assistance to improve land management practices and reduce nutrient, pesticide and sediment run-off from agricultural land.
Program Activities
This project was rolled out in the coastal areas of the Burnett, over 3 years, with all contracted projects to be finished works by June 2016.
The program area included the Burnett River downstream from Paradise Dam, the Kolan downstream from Lake Monduran, as well as the Elliot, Isis, Gregory, Burrum and Baffle Creek catchments.
Funding was available for a range of on-ground projects that address a reduction in sediment going into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Projects could include, but not necessarily be limited to, riparian fencing, fencing and rehabilitation of erosion and degraded areas, fencing to reduce stock tracking and patch grazing, and installation of off-stream and paddock water points.
Funding was be limited to a maximum of $10,000 per landholder, and must be matched 50:50 by cash and/or in-kind expenditure by the landholder.
The program is supported by the Burnett Mary Regional Group, through funding from the Australian Government.
Program Outcomes
Over the three years, 92 landholders received funding totaling $616,337 (inc. GST). On-ground activities ranged from fencing for improved rotational grazing and spelling, fencing of creeks and watercourses, additional water points, off-stream water points, and erosion control.
The total area of grazing land that was improved through the 3-year project was 11,064 hectares, on participants total property area of 23,439 hectares. The maximum amount of funding was capped at $10,000 per property, but the average funding amount paid per project was less than that at $6,119. The funding paid was only 38% of total project costs, meaning landholders invested a considerable amount of cash and in-kind support into their projects. This represents a good value for money of taxpayer investment.
This project had a much increased emphasis on education, awareness and training than the previous Reef Rescue projects. Landholders were asked to complete two modules of the Grazing BMP program, conduct paddock assessments with BCCA field officers, and attend workshops where possible. Over 100 landholders attended the workshops that were organised during the 3-year period. Workshops were generally focused on sustainable grazing practices, with soil health and pasture health workshops being popular events.
Over the three years of the project, fencing has been the largest activity funded, with 83 kilometres of fencing constructed for grazing management (subdivision for rotational and cell grazing) and 27 kilometres of creek and river fencing constructed. There have been 140 new water points funded, both for off-stream water and additional paddock water.
Reef Water Quality - Grazing Case Studies
Reef Water Quality - Grazing News
Reef Water Quality Grants: Property Assessment and Capability Plan (PACP)
Our Reef Water Quality Grants project is coming to a close after three years. During this time Peter (BCCA Extension Officer) has completed 50 Property Assessment and Capability Plans (PACPs) in conjunction with participating Landholders. 50 Landholders in the...
All projects due soon!
The staff at BCCA have been working hard over the past year putting together nearly 50 Reef Rescue projects with graziers in the coastal Burnett area, and almost 30 projects under the Healthy Habitats program (both in partnership with Burnett Mary Regional Group)....
Reef Rescue funding reduces erosion
After the wet and rainy weather we have seen recently and over the past 12-24 months, the dangers of having bare soil and eroding gullies are increasingly important. What can start as a small problem during the drought years can quickly escalate into a major problem...
Fifth & final year – Reef Rescue Grazing
BCCA announces that the fifth and final year of Reef Rescue Grazing is now open and we are accepting expressions of interest from graziers interested in participating. Reef Rescue is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program aimed at...
Reef Rescue assists many graziers
Currrently in it's 4th of 5 years, the Reef Rescue program has been run across the Queensland coast to help land managers to improve the management of and reduce their sediment and nutrient runnoff into the creeks and onto the Reef. In the Burnett this year, 48...
Reef Rescue Grazing – Year 4 now open
BCCA are currently taking Expressions of Interest for Year 4 - Round 2 of Reef Rescue Grazing (2011/12) for graziers located in the priority area (see map). Reef Rescue is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program aimed at improving...
Property Management Planning for Reef Rescue Graziers
BCCA is offering to undertake Property Management Plans (PMP's) on properties participating in the Reef Rescue program in the Burnett region. This free service is available to graziers that wish to possess a detailed plan of their grazing property. The process will...
Reef Rescue – DPI&F Grazing Land Management Workshops
Reef Rescue is an initiative of the Australian Government's Caring for Our Country program aimed at improving water quality in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon through assisting farmers and graziers to improve their management practice. Within the grazing industry in...
Regulation Risks Reef Rescue
On Friday, Industry and Natural Resource Management Groups quietly celebrated the formalisation of partnerships that would see delivery of incentives to landholders in Queensland Reef catchments including the Burnett. At a Reef Summit in Brisbane on the same day, the...