Expression of Interest – Free Soil Testing – South Burnett Producers
The Burnett Catchment Care Association are seeking interest from South Burnett farmers & graziers who would be interested in taking part in our "Invest in the Test" soil testing project. Eligible producers will receive free soil testing for 2 paddocks with a...
BURNETT KOALA PROGRAM – STEM activity for Primary Schools
As part of our student engagement and STEM education activities, an opportunity for primary schools within the Burnett catchment to be involved in the project and increase student awareness and interest in STEM education, research and science is available for the...
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has participated in the program so far. It's been a HUGE response for such a modest little project! We are so proud of our community & how it has rallied behind the conservation this iconic & endangered species (who may have...
Get involved in our Biocontrol Program
Burnett Catchment Care Association (BCCA) received a National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grant to establish biocontrol breeding facilities in Monto. The facility will be used to produce biocontrol agents for Cats Claw Creeper (CCC) and Parthenium....
Parthenium biocontrol released in the Inland Burnett
🐞Zygogramma bicolorata, also referred to as the Parthenium beetle or Mexican beetle, is native to Mexico but has been introduced as a biocontrol agent for Parthenium since the 1980's in Australia. The beetles are host specific and only eat and breed on Parthenium. ...
Community Action Plan eNewsletter – OUT NOW!
Have a read of the very first newsletter for the Burnett Mary Community Action Plan - click here!
Jewel Beetles released into the Inland Burnett
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐰 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 (CCC) is a long lived perennial vine native to Central and South America. It was introduced into Australia as an ornamental garden plant because of its vigourous growth and large, bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers it produces in spring. The vine...
Western Burnett Producers (Eidsvold & Mundubbera Districts) – win a $500 gift voucher
Western Burnett Producers (Eidsvold & Mundubbera Districts) - win a $500 gift voucher at your nominated rural supplies store!! We are currently conducting a survey to capture the position of Eidsvold & Mundubbera agricultural businesses for the development of...
IMPROVING SKILLS & CAPACITY There is currently funding available for BCCA to assist community groups and organisations to improve their skills and build internal capacity. Does your organisation or community group have skills and capacity needs? Is your...
Burnett Koala – Photo Competition Winner
AND THE WINNER IS.....................YVONNE WARHURST Competition was fierce with so many photo submissions received and the 7 judges that we bribed had a really tough job choosing a winner. We have attached a sample of the entries received (by no means all of them)...
**Burnett Koala – Competition**
COMPETITION TIME! WIN OVER $260 IN PRIZES! Send us a photo of a wild koala in the Burnett Region with the date & location the photo was taken to go in the draw. Email: Message BCCA: Facebook or Instagram *Previously photo sighting...
Managing Pasture in a Variable Climate Workshop
Twenty (20) graziers in the Burnett are now better-placed to manage their pastures following participation in a workshop and field day at Brian Pasture Research Facility in April. The day started with discussing seasonal forecasting including resources to enable...
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