Soil Solution Workshop – Proserpine

Book and pay by August 23 to receive the special early bird price of $400. Standard pricing of $500 applies after this date. Seats are limited so please book early!

Permaculture Design Cerificate Course – Kin Kin

Learn from a team of teachers and specialist presenters – community teachers, Ian Trew, and Christina Laurikainen. Benefit from a collective experience, inspiration, valuable knowledge, and personal attention post course. […]

RCS Grazing Clinic – Biggenden

To register download the registration form and return to Resource Consulting Services.


Farmers Big Day Out – Wondai

Grab the family or drag along a mate, Wondai is hosting one huge afternoon of fun - and it's free! There'll be whips cracking, dogs jumping, bulls bucking and chainsaws […]

Women in Agriculture Day – Mundubbera

Celebrate International Rural Women's Day together in Mundubbera! - Guest Speakers - Trade Stands - Connect with old and new friends - Raffle and Lucky Door Prizes To register click […]


North Burnett Ag Network – Eidsvold

All are welcome to attend the next North Burnett Ag Network focussing on drought and stock route management. Guest presenters will include DAF staff; Roger Sneath, Damien O’Sullivan, Steph Denman […]

South Burnett Ag Network – Durong

All are welcome to attend the next South Burnett Ag Network focussing on drought and stock route management. Guest presenters will include DAF staff; Roger Sneath, Damien O’Sullivan, Steph Denman […]


Mapping Workshop – Tansey

Burnett Mary Regional Group invites you to a mapping workshop. Learn how to: draw fencelines, add water points, measure paddock sizes, find out differences in elevation and more. Use Qld […]


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