Grazing fundamentals EDGE – Mundubbera

Billabong Motor Inn 47 Strathdee Street, Mundubbera, Queensland, Australia

Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a one-day workshop designed to give you a broad understanding of the components of the grazing production system and the core, scientifically-backed principles behind optimising grazing […]


HARPS Workshop

Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme (HARPS).  A voluntary, retailer-led scheme designed to assist with compliance to food safety, legal & trade legislation for suppliers to the major grocery retailers in […]

Grazing BMP Workshop – Gin Gin

Grazing Land Management and Soil Health modules in a free one day workshop at Gin Gin.  Eligible participants are land mangers in the Better Beef for the Reef project area […]


Farming Systems Trial Tour

RSVP: By Friday 16th March by phone – 4326 1100 (DAF Bundaberg) or email:

Mouse control – Webinar

The webinar will feature a panel of experts and grain growers providing practical tips on how to maximise bait effectiveness, including methods of application at seeding. The webinar will cover: […]


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