Sustainable Landscapes Across the Inland Burnett

The project aims to offer practical assistance and outreach efforts aimed at empowering primary producers to improve practices. This initiative seeks to reinforce existing knowledge, foster positive attitudes towards land condition improvement, and assist producers in devising and implementing management strategies that enhance the strength and resilience of both their land and enterprises within our ever-changing climate.

This project is funded by Queensland Government’s Natural Resources Recovery Program.

Baffle Priority Areas Map


The aim of the program is to improve landscape resilience, increase implementation of sustainable
grazing management practices and to increase the viability of our regional economy. The inland Burnett
region is highly reliant on the agricultural industries, particularly grazing, therefore the support offered
within this project will contribute to the sustainability of our rural communities.

The project will involve:-

  • Property Management Plans (PMP’s) developed for producers across the inland Burnett improving land management practices such as forage budgeting, matching stocking rate to carrying capacity, implementing rotational grazing, applying regenerative agriculture practices and improving pasture utilisation leading to an improvement in land condition over time.


  • Site-specific erosion rehabilitation field plans will be developed and soil erosion rehabilitation activities will be conducted improving land condition.  Soil erosion rehabilitation activities could include activities such as level sill diversion bank outlets, groin construction, leaky weirs, gully head control works, mulching, exclusion fencing, reseeding and other low-cost erosion rehabilitation methods.


  • Implementation of riparian fencing and off stream watering points to manage the impact and threat livestock have on the condition of native vegetation in these vulnerable areas.

Bank stabilisation soft enginerring works in preparation for revegetation
Bank stabilisation soft enginerring works in preparation for revegetation

Expressions Of Interest

Property Planning & Erosion Rehabilitation EOI – closes 8 December 2024.


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Program Sponsors

This project was supported by the following partners and investors.

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