Reef Alliance - Burnett Grazing
2017 - 2019 - Growing a GREAT Barrier ReefReef Alliance – Growing a Great Barrier Reef is a partnership between agricultural industry and regional NRM bodies which is facilitated by the Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) with the goal of securing the future health of the Great Barrier Reef.
The Australian Government has invested $45M towards “Growing a Great Barrier Reef” project. The project is funded through the $140 million Reef Trust Phase III which focuses on improving water quality and protecting coastal habitats and the biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef.
The project will deliver training, extension and targeted on-ground support to agricultural land managers.
What dID this mean for land managers in the Burnett Mary?

The Burnett Mary Reef Partnership is a collaboration between Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG), Burnett Catchment Care Association (BCCA), Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC), Bundaberg Sugar Services and Canegrowers Isis
The primary focus of the investment in the Burnett Mary was to improve water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef through reducing nutrient and sediment runoff from production systems in priority areas. This will be achieved using industry Best Management Practices guidelines.
BCCA will be responsible for delivering the grazing component of the project in the Burnett.
To be eligible to participate in the Reef Alliance – Growing a Great Barrier Reef – Burnett Grazing, must have be able to answer YES to the following:
- Is your property located in the Burnett Priority Area? The priority area is the subcatchment encompassing Paradise Dam to Walla Weir including the Degilbo and Biggenden areas. Please note: As at March 2018, the priority area has been extended to include the Baffle Catchment.
- Have you completed, or are you willing to complete, the Grazing BMP? A Grazing BMP workshop may be held locally where you can complete the Grazing BMP over 2 days; alternatively Grazing BMP can be completed online @
- Would you like to feel more confident that your pasture, land and herd management decisions result in improved land condition & productivity?
- Are you concerned about low ground cover levels, gully erosion, streambank erosion and/or soil movement off your property?
- Is the grazing area on your property greater than 40 ha (100 ac)?
- Would you like to develop and implement a property improvement plan with support from a designated extension officer?*
*Participants will received individual, tailored support over a 2-year period from the Grazing Extension Officer to implement a Property Improvement Plan (PIP) focusing on grazing, land and herd management practices for improved land condition (especially practices that reduce soil loss). The Plan was developed by the landholder and the Grazing Extension Officer and technical assistance and training to help implement the Plan was provided free-of-charge.

Reef Alliance – growing a Great Barrier Reef project came to completion in December 2019.
Over the course of the entire Reef Trust III Grazing program in the Burnett Region, 23 landholders in the Baffle and Lower Burnett priority area; overall improved their practice change management over a number of different areas, including riparian management, erosion management and ground cover management.
Over 5000 hectares of improved ground cover management was achieved plus over 100 hectares of improved riparian areas and nearly 18 kilometers of stream bank through the installation of riparian fencing and off-stream watering points. Landholder projects were also able to implement erosion remediation works over 35 hectares.
Program News
Launch of the new Gully Erosion manual
The much anticipated launch of the ‘Gully Erosion - Options for Prevention and Rehabilitation’ manual will take place in Biggenden and Kingaroy this month. The soil conservation manual, which incorporates the experience and knowledge of two of Queensland's expert soil...
Calling all coastal Burnett graziers with river or creek frontage country!!
Calling all coastal Burnett graziers with river or creek frontage country!! If you would like free, practical support to improve your grazing business, including river and creek banks, while doing your bit for the Great Barrier Reef, then this is the program for you!...
Graziers Getting the EDGE in Business
Thanks to funding under the Australian Government’s Reef Trust Phase III —Reef Alliance – ‘Growing a Great Barrier Reef’ project, graziers currently involved in this project were given the opportunity to attend the two day Business Edge business management workshop in...
Reef Alliance – Growing a Great Barrier Reef- Burnett Grazing: amended priority area & extended EOI deadline to January 31
*** Amended Priority area & extended Expression of Interest deadline*** Under the Reef Alliance - Growing a Great Barrier Reef – Burnett Grazing, eligible graziers located within the Burnett priority area have the opportunity to receive free, one-on-one, tailored...
Reef Trust Phase III Extension Officers On-the-Ground
This March and April, keep an eye out for Burnett Catchment Care Association Extension Officers, Veronica Chapman, doing the rounds with Graziers, promoting the Federal Government’s Reef Trust Phase III: Reef Alliance - Growing a Great Barrier Reef project. Veronica...
Would you like free, practical support & expertise for your grazing business while doing your bit for the Great Barrier Reef?
Under the Reef Alliance Project – Burnett Grazing, eligible graziers located within the Burnett priority area have the opportunity to receive free, one-on-one, tailored training and extension support to help improve grazing management practices that will reduce...
Program Sponsors
Reef Alliance – Growing a Great Barrier Reef is a partnership between agricultural industry, regional NRM bodies and facilitated by the Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF), with a common goal of securing the future health of the Great Barrier Reef. The Reef Alliance Program is funded by the Australian Government and delivered through the Reef Trust.