Burnett Mary Regional Group have announced they are looking for applications from landholders for sustainable soil management and grazing management projects.  If that’s you and you have a property in the western Burnett, READ ON!!

The Burnett Mary Regional Group has funding to assist graziers in the Auburn River, Cadarga Creek, St Johns Creek, Smalls Creek and Nogo River Catchments to adopt land management practices that improve soil health and enhance sustainability.

A maximum of up to $5,000 per landholder is available.

Types of eligible projects include:

  • Fencing to landtype
  • Fencing to reduce paddock sizes for rotational grazing
  • Fencing riparian areas (creeks and streams)
  • Off stream watering points such as troughs and tanks
  • Additional watering points to spread grazing pressure


1. Application Guidelines

2. Application form

For further information please, contact:

Saranne Giudice (Bundaberg) on 07 4181 2999 (ext. 119), mobile 0439 328 334 or on email saranne.giudice@bmrg.org.au OR Kay Enkelmann (Wondai) on 07 4169 0720, mobile 0409 610 746 or on email kay.enkelmann@bmrg.org.au

Closing date for applications: 5 pm Friday, 2 November 2012.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association