Pest Animal Management & Chemical Training Workshop

TBC Eidsvold, Queensland, Australia

You do not need to be an Agforce Member to attend this workshop. Limited Places Available Practical training & info on latest pest animal control tools specific to your industry's pest animal issues.  Included in these workshops is nationally accredited chemical handling safety training for safely preparing, delivering, transporting & storing chemicals.


Achieving Fair Work Compliance & Managing Employment Risk

The Gympie RSL Club - Function Room 217 Mary St, Gympie, Queensland, Australia

Would your farm business pass a Fair Work inspection or audit today? This 1/2 day seminar will help you understand your legal obligations under the Fair Work Act, National Employment Standards and relevant Award/s as well as gather information and resources to help you with compliance and establish positive practices in the workplace.


Landcare Bus Trip

Bus Trip Queensland, Australia

Visit local revegetation and land rehabilitation sites.


Grazing Naturally with Dick Richardson

DAF Research Station - Taabinga Room Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia

Workshop is limited to participants who have already completed the 4-part holistic management training in Mundubbera, Kingaroy, Booubyjan or Pomona.


Fertiliser Efficiency in Cropping Workshop

TBA Monto Monto, Queensland, Australia

The Action on the Ground — Burnett Croppers project is nearing the end.  The trial aimed to measure and demonstrate farm technologies that reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions (in this case Nitrous Oxide or N2O), while maintaining and hopefully improving cropping productivity and soil health.


The Soil Carbon Trading Roadshow

Biloela Civic Centre 94 Rainbow St, Biloela, Queensland, Australia

Get the dirt on putting soil carbon on your bottom line - without locking up your land (and learn how you'll lead the world in the process). Come and listen to world experts on soil carbon sequestration and soil carbon projects cover topics such as: Results from farmers who are already doing soil carbon contracts […]


Native Forest Management & Harvesting Field Day

Charlie White's Property Maryborough Rd, Biggenden, Queensland, Australia

The latest update on Legislation, Code of Practice, Trigger Maps & Notification of a Forest Practice Current timber products and what they are worth Latest growth results from a series of 10yo regrowth thinned trials Compare growth data Optimal tree stocking - selecting the best trees to retain for grazing and timber production A great […]


Give Woody Weeds the Treatment they Deserve!

Captain Creek Sports & Rec Club Murphy Rd, Captain Creek, Queensland, Australia

Woody weed control workshop & field day covering different control methods, chemicals available and application rates.  Biocontrol options for Cats Claw Creeper.  Demo of various control techniques such as overall foliar spraying, cut stump application and basal bark application by Gladstone Regional Council Weed Officers.  This will involve a range of equipment including a QuikSpray […]


South Burnett Black Soils – Murgon & Kingaroy workshop

Murgon 9am & Kingaroy 2pm

If you are interested in understanding the Black soils and how they can be managed better come along to these workshops being held in either Murgon at 9amor Kingaroy at 2pm. Further info & RSVP: Contact Ian Crosswaite ph: 0409 622 319 E: or Wayne Seiler ph: 0429618488 E: BCCA will provide details […]


Wild Dog Trapping

Calliope Chapman Park Taragoola Rd, Calliope, Queensland, Australia

Want to get more out of your WILD DOG TRAPPING? We can show you how... Facilitated by Tony Townsend, a professional wild dog trapper who has experience in both QLD and NSW landscapes. Free BBQ Lunch provided, RSVP to Gladstone Regional Council's Regulatory Services Division 07 4977 6821 by 6 January 2017.

Wild Dog Trapping

Miriam Vale Community Hall 41 Blomfield St, Miriam Vale, Queensland, Australia

Want to get more out of your WILD DOG TRAPPING? We can show you how... Facilitated by Tony Townsend, a professional wild dog trapper who has experience in both QLD and NSW landscapes. Free BBQ Lunch provided, RSVP to Gladstone Regional Council's Regulatory Services Division 07 4977 6821 by 6 January 2017.

Webinar: Effect of Pesticides on Beneficial Insects

Webinar , Australia

Participants will receive one month free access to our Integrated Pest Management advice hotline! Details will be distributed at the conclusion of the webinar. The webinar will go for 1 hour and will start at 12:30pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time. The webinar is free and brought to you by the Integrated Crop Protection project, funded […]

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