A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has participated in the program so far. It’s been a HUGE response for such a modest little project!

We are so proud of our community & how it has rallied behind the conservation this iconic & endangered species (who may have the best chance of sustainable population survival & recovery in rural/regional areas such as ours).

CURRENT PROGRAM RESULTS: 93 Sightings, 90 in the target area & 83 eligible photos for the competition (The winner is to be announced soon).

The Burnett Koala Program has another year to go so keep the sightings coming!  All sighting data will be compiled, along with vegetation mapping & additional research in a final report at the end of the program.

Remember breeding season begins in Jul/Aug & while this is often the best time to see koalas on the move, tree scratch marks & koala scats are often a good indicator to look up or that a koala may be nearby. You can report scratches & scats too

BCCA will be launching a school based activity for the youth in our communities over the coming month. If you have school aged children keep your eye out for that one!

If you would like more information about the program or have sightings to report email: misty@betterburnett.com or message BCCA: Facebook or Instagram

You can also download a  Tree Planting Guide (specifically for the Burnett catchment) and the programs Field/Observation Guide by clicking here!

*The Burnett Koala Program is a citizen science project aimed at raising awareness regarding the significance of regional koala populations & habitat health, as well as contributing to understanding koala presence, distribution, activity & habitat health in the Burnett Region.*


This project is funded by the Queensland Government: Department of Environment & Science, and proudly supported by: Bunya Peoples’ Aboriginal Corporation, Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc, Australian Koala Foundation, Goondicum Pastoral Co, Wildlife Queensland, Central Burnett Landcare and Safe Haven – AACE

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Burnett Catchment Care Association