Competition was fierce with so many photo submissions received and the 7 judges that we bribed had a really tough job choosing a winner.
We have attached a sample of the entries received (by no means all of them) to give an appreciation for the number and quality sightings recorded so far. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do 🐨🌿 💕
It is really exciting to see so many koalas being observed in our beautiful region. Even more so given our large geographical area (approximately 3 local government areas) and our relatively low human population density – this makes human/koala interactions are much less likely to occur than they do in the metropolitan areas of SE Qld. This is really exciting!
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has got behind the project so far. The Burnett Koala Program has another year to go so keep the sightings coming! 📸🐨 All sighting data will be compiled, along with vegetation mapping & additional research in a final report at the end of the program.
Remember breeding season begins in Jul/Aug & while this is often the best time to see koalas on the move, tree scratch marks & koala scats can be a good indicator to look up or that a koala may be nearby. You can report scratches & scats too 🧐
*The Burnett Koala Program is a citizen science project aimed at raising awareness regarding the significance of regional koala populations & habitat health, as well as contributing to understanding koala presence, distribution, activity & habitat health in the Burnett Region.*

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Burnett Catchment Care Association