Burnett Koala Program
2021 - 2022The Burnett Koala Program is a citizen scientist-based project aimed at raising awareness regarding the significance of regional koala populations and habitat health, in addition to contributing to understanding koala distribution, presence, activity and habitat health in the Burnett catchment region.

The Opportunity

The data gathered by citizen scientists will inform the protection and enhancement of crucial koala habitats, population diversity and recovery efforts in addition to scaffolding on previous state data collection efforts in other regions and value adding to the ground truthing of current population estimates for the Inland Burnett Region.
BCCA designed a field guide to support citizen scientists in building their knowledge and awareness regarding regional koala populations and the importance of habitat health, in addition to assisting in the identification and recording of koala presence, activity and habitat health of the Burnett. BCCA also produced a tree planting guide for koala habitat in the Burnett Catchment – click here!!
We ran a regionwide koala tracking operation through photo competitions during the breeding seasons. A total of 124 sightings were recorded by community. The sightings were contributing data to the Atlas of Living Australia – Burnett Koala Program | Project | BioCollect
Schools were invited to register for the program and enter the competition. This activity was designed to engage children in conservation, ecology and living sustainably with our environment. A ‘Fun Facts’ koala resource and colouring competition was designed and distributed to all Primary Schools across the Burnett catchment. A resource for primary teachers, is our Koala Fun Facts – download it here!!
With more accurate population data – local government, communities and individual land managers can more effectively plan and manage habitat corridors, connectivity and re-vegetation efforts, that are significant contributors to the protection and recovery of this and other species facing similar challenges.
At the conclusion of the projects activities a Burnett Koala Program Report for 2021-2022 was produced. This report outlined the projects findings and highlighted 5 x regionally specific ‘Priority Action Areas’ that strategically aligned with Queensland Government’s ‘South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2020-2025’ and the Queensland Koala Expert Panel’s Report.
To view the final report for our Burnett Koala Program – click here!!

Program News
Burnett Koala Program Report
We would also like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all the citizen scientists across rural, regional and remote areas of the Burnett catchment for your contribution, enthusiasm and support. Without you this project would not have been possible or the success it has...
Burnett Koala – Photo Competition Winner
AND THE WINNER IS.....................YVONNE WARHURST Competition was fierce with so many photo submissions received and the 7 judges that we bribed had a really tough job choosing a winner. We have attached a sample of the entries received (by no means all of them)...
The Burnett Koala Program
The Burnett Koala Program The BCCA Burnett Koala Program is a citizen scientist-based project aimed at raising awareness about the significance of the Burnett & regional koala populations and habitat health. The data gathered by citizen scientists will inform the...
Koala Photo Competition – Win an Australia Zoo Family Pass
KOALA PHOTO C0MPETlTl0N! Win an Australia Zoo Family Pass. It's that time again. Koala breeding season! From July to January Koala's are their most active and vocal as they traverse the countryside in search of a mate. (No Tinder for these modern arboreals. Just old...
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has participated in the program so far. It's been a HUGE response for such a modest little project! We are so proud of our community & how it has rallied behind the conservation this iconic & endangered species (who may have...
BURNETT KOALA PROGRAM – STEM activity for Primary Schools
As part of our student engagement and STEM education activities, an opportunity for primary schools within the Burnett catchment to be involved in the project and increase student awareness and interest in STEM education, research and science is available for the...
**Burnett Koala – Competition**
COMPETITION TIME! WIN OVER $260 IN PRIZES! Send us a photo of a wild koala in the Burnett Region with the date & location the photo was taken to go in the draw. Email: misty@betterburnett.com Message BCCA: Facebook or Instagram *Previously photo sighting...