Beef in the Burnett
The Burnett has long been an important beef producing region, with approximately 80% of the region considered grazing lands. With climate and market pressures adding to the challenges Burnett graziers face, Better Beef focuses on sustainable grazing activities.
Better Beef Booklet
Better Beef’s first acheivement was the development of a sustainable grazing booklet. Better Beef – Sustainable grazing for the inland Burnett was developed to provide relevant, up-to-date information regarding sustainable grazing in the Burnett and be a useful tool for graziers.
To obtain your free copy of the booklet please contact: [email protected] or (07) 4166 3898.
Our Beef Projects
Late 2007 has seen the Better Beef component of Better Burnett fund 31 on-ground projects aimed at enhancing sustainable grazing on farm including:
Fencing to improve pasture utilisation, such as fencing different land types
Fencing of high value remnant vegetation to protect vegetation and aid in cattle handling
Installation of off stream watering points to improve pasture utilisation and reduce dependence on streams and creeks for stock water.
This pilot round of Better Beef focused on the subcatchments of Auburn River, Cadarga Creek and Baywulla Creek that had the highest investor priority for the implementation of sustainable grazing activities.
Beef Project Results at a Glance
- on-ground projects implemented: 31
- total grazing land enhanced: 34,000 ha
- total riparian vegetation enhanced: 290 ha
- fencing installed: 97 km
- watering points installed: 101
- length of stream bank enhanced: 68 km
The average landholder within the Better Beef project:
- enhanced 1050 ha of grazing lands;
- enhanced 10 ha of riparian vegetation;
- installed 4.4km of fencing;
- installed 4 watering points; and
- enhanced 2km of stream bank
Better Beef in the future
The Better Beef component of the Better Burnett program places a high priority on on-ground works and is keen to continue collaborations with relevant industry groups such as AgForward, local AgForce, Beefplan and Landcare Groups, Resource Consulting Services and Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.
The Better Burnett program is currently investigating future investment opportunities and will endeavor to broaden our contribution in assisting to enhance grazing in the entire Burnett region.