Burnett Catchment Care Association organised another fantastic field trip on the weekend and their first multi-day bus trip. A substantial number of keen participants gave up a Friday and Saturday in their busy lives for this all-inclusive journey to learn from the knowledge and experiences of two exemplary regenerative grazing properties: Bonnie Doone (Rawbelle) and Ballentine Grazing (Banana).

Andrew Zerner, of Resource Consulting Service, ran a session on Grazing Principles and Plant Productivity on the deck at Carly and Grant’s home at Bonnie Doone while everyone enjoyed a delicious homemade morning tea. Fuelled up, the bus did a tour of Bonnie Doone, with a running commentary by Grant on their grazing practices, changes they have made and lessons learned from developing and managing a large and certified organic property. A delicious lunch under a significant fig tree took in the sweeping views of the region before a wrap up session back on the home deck.

On Saturday, Myles and Julie Ballentine shared their journey in improving land condition and animal productivity with a focus on mixed pasture grazing and leaky weirs to minimise soil loss and retain moisture on their land. Everyone was actively engaged in discussions right through the weekend and an emphasis was placed on sharing of thoughts, skills and experience from the wealth of knowledge within the group.

The event, led by Hayley Webster and coordinated by the BCCA team, was a huge success. So much was gained, especially a deeper understanding of long-term benefits of regenerative agricultural strategies, and there was talk of a month-long tour in the future as everyone was keen to keep going rather than head home!

This bus trip was funded by the Queensland Government’s Natural Resources Recovery Program.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association