Pasture dieback is a poorly understood condition that causes unthrifty growth and death of otherwise very productive sown and native grass pastures. It has been observed across a range of soil types, landscapes locations (ridges, gullies, gentle and steep slopes) and grass species. Stock will also avoid grazing these affected areas. The condition causes a reduction in carrying capacity, consequently having a major impact on enterprise productivity. In recent years the occurrence of pasture dieback has also accelerated.
At this point in time there are no proven techniques for the effective control of pasture dieback. DAF senior agronomist (sown pastures), Stuart Buck is working with the beef industry to develop a research project into the cause and management options of pasture dieback.
If you are concerned about pasture dieback please call DAF on 13 25 23, or visit your local DAF office to talk to a DAF representative. Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) are asking affected graziers to fill out an online survey to report the occurrence of dieback.
Pasture dieback fact sheet – click here!!