In this issue:

  • Reef Rescue Case Study – Sanderson & Carr
  • Useful information regarding Flood Recovery Assistance
  • Cat’s Claw Creeper Control in the North Burnett
  • BlazeAid lending a hand for flooded farmers
  • Staff members flood photos
  • Welcome Veronica to the BCCA team
  • Land For Wildlife in the inland Burnett
  • 2013 flooding in Mundubbera – a staff members perspective
  • An endangered species found in the inland Burnett

To view the latest issue of the burnett buzz click HERE!

Past Issues

the burnett buzz… Autumn 2012

the burnett buzz… Autumn 2012

In this issue: Sustainable Practices Case Study— Byrnestown graziers Richards and Twine North Burnett Landcare’s Friday Clubs Pasture Monitoring—it’s that time of the year again Healthy Habitats Case Study—Co-ordinated pig control To view the latest issue of the...

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