In this issue:

  • Reef Rescue Case Study – Sanderson & Carr
  • Useful information regarding Flood Recovery Assistance
  • Cat’s Claw Creeper Control in the North Burnett
  • BlazeAid lending a hand for flooded farmers
  • Staff members flood photos
  • Welcome Veronica to the BCCA team
  • Land For Wildlife in the inland Burnett
  • 2013 flooding in Mundubbera – a staff members perspective
  • An endangered species found in the inland Burnett

To view the latest issue of the burnett buzz click HERE!

Past Issues

the burnett buzz… Winter 2014

the burnett buzz… Winter 2014

In this issue: Case study on local grazier’s PMP Soil carbon results from Monto workshop Update on Flood Recovery Riparian project in Central Burnett Weed file—GRT Nitrous oxide trial update GLM workshop for Degilbo Weed profile - Giant Rats Tail Grass,  a flood weed...

the burnett buzz… Autumn 2014

the burnett buzz… Autumn 2014

In this issue: Funding to control weeds in your creeks Burnett River streambank restoration projects underway Carbon Farming Initiative update Three Moon Creek Floodplain Plan finalised Welcome Dutch Anbeek to the BCCA team Trial in Monto aimed at reducing Nitrous...

the burnett buzz… Spring 2013

the burnett buzz… Spring 2013

In this issue: Update on Carbon Farming Project Threemoon Floodplain Farmers are Action Planning Chemical for weed control Welcome Jenny and Peter!! BCCA backs BMP program Riparian restoration begins Reef Rescue Grazing 2 To view the latest issue of the burnett buzz...

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