In this issue:
- Reef Rescue Case Study – Sanderson & Carr
- Useful information regarding Flood Recovery Assistance
- Cat’s Claw Creeper Control in the North Burnett
- BlazeAid lending a hand for flooded farmers
- Staff members flood photos
- Welcome Veronica to the BCCA team
- Land For Wildlife in the inland Burnett
- 2013 flooding in Mundubbera – a staff members perspective
- An endangered species found in the inland Burnett
To view the latest issue of the burnett buzz click HERE!
Past Issues
The Burnett Buzz….Autumn 2018
David Hall, experienced field agronomist. Are you in the new Reef Trust Grazing Priority area? Importance of being good grass farmer! Thinking of going electric? 130 tubestock species with 79% survival rate! To download the latest Burnett Buzz click here!!!...
The Burnett Buzz….Summer 2018
Highlights in this edition: Soils workshop a success at Miriam Vale Seeking ideas for workshops and training events Cover Cropping Workshop - Monto To view newsletter click here!!
The Burnett Buzz – Spring 2017
Highlights in this edition: Bull selection with John Bertram and Alan Laing Roger Stone climate workshop at Rosedale Richard Kinnon meets the North Burnett Practical assistance for graziers in the Reef Trust III priority area Chloe the koala To view newsletter click...