Better soils for less weeds – that was the idea behind the Better Burnett project which used compost tea on an infestation on local weed Creeping Lantana.
The Better Burnett Catchment Recovery Pilot saw more than 100 landholders partnering with BCCA, over 50 000 ha of native grazing and bushland improved, 25km of riparian areas enhanced and 1500ha of pest control on private land.
Creeping Lantana (Lantana montevidensis), was one of 4 weeds targeted as part of the Better Burnett demonstration site series. The main management tool in question was less conventional than usual: compost tea. The primary reason for using compost tea was to demonstrate how important the management of soils where Creeping Lantana grows can be in maintaining good, competitive pastures.
While the results were inconclusive in relation to managing Creeping Lantana in the inland Burnett, using composts and compost teas have become a topic of interest to many producers in our region.
The video below will give us a run-down on how the compost tea brewer was put together and then distributed onto the demonstration site north of Monto in the North Burnett, where Creeping Lantana grows well in steep shallow soils.