Work With Us
The Burnett Catchment Care Association (BCCA) was founded due to community concern and a desire to empower industry, community and government to work cooperatively to achieve greater sustainability for the Burnett Catchment region.
The success of the BCCA is directly proportional to the quality of the partnerships we foster. Whether as an association member, a project partner, employee, investor or some other from of contribution the BCCA staff and committee welcome your positive contribution to the sustainable land management in the Burnett Catchment region.

To date the BCCA has funded over 1000 onground projects with financial support from government and non government investors. However the most significant investment in improving sustainable land management in BCCA activities have been individual landholders.
To see the programs BCCA is currently coordinating go to our Programs page.
An ideal way for a landholder to be involved with BCCA, be kept up to date with the latest funding and training opportunities and to have a say in where our NRM actions should be focused, become a BCCA member today!

BCCA prides itself on working well with not only landholders and government organisations, but other community and landcare groups through this great catchment of ours.
Examples of community and landcare groups BCCA have worked with so far include:
- North Burnett Landcare
- South East Burnett Landcare
- Kingaroy Landcare
- Central Burnett Landcare
- Miriam Vale Rural Science Group
- Small’s Creek Landcare
- Auburn River Beefplan Group
- Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO)
- Fitroy Basin Association (FBA)
- and many more…
If you are a member of a Burnett region community group, you may like to become a BCCA member or work with BCCA.
Grazing in Groups Facilitator
Closes 5.00pm, Sunday 1 September 2024
(closed) Hydraulic Study May 2014
Please Note: this tender is now closed.
(closed) Riparian Earthmoving May 2014
Please Note: this tender is now closed.
(closed) Soil Health March 2014
Please Note: this tender is now closed.
Currently no positions available with BCCA.