Last week BCCA installed additional nesting boxes across multiple grazing properties as part of their ‘Saving the endangered Greater Glider’ project. These nesting boxes were built and supplied locally by the Monto Australian Men’s Shed Association and were installed by conservation habitat creation specialists Habi-Tec.
The Saving the endangered Greater Glider project is a grassroots community education and habitat protection/restoration and enhancement project aimed at assisting the recovery of the species in the Upper Burnett region. Greater Glider populations have decreased by 80% over the last 20 years and the quality of remaining private forestry habitats are now more important than ever.
This project aims to improve the presence, abundance, reproductive outcomes and recovery of the hollow dependent Greater Glider (Petauroides volans) listed as endangered in July 2022, having previously been listed as vulnerable.
To learn more about this project and the other habitat enhancement activities occurring across grazing properties and mining rehabilitation sites of the Burnett catchment visit:
Report a greater glider sighting by contacting BCCA’s ecologist at or phone 4166 3898.
This project is funded by WIRES National Grants Program and Evolution Mining Mount Rawdon Gold Mine. It is proudly supported by the Monto Men’s Shed, Goondicum Pastoral Co., Wildlife Queensland, Queensland Glider Network, Accounting For Nature and Safe Haven – AACE.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association