Calling all coastal Burnett graziers with river or creek frontage country!!

If you would like free, practical support to improve your grazing business, including river and creek banks, while doing your bit for the Great Barrier Reef, then this is the program for you!

Eligible landholders need to have:

  • Property located in the Burnett Priority Area and has Burnett River frontage along the highlighted section. (see map)
  • River/creek frontage greater than 250m with grazing area on your property greater than 40ha (100ac).
  • Completed a Grazing BMP – if not, one is being held in Biggenden on 15 & 16 March 2017
  • A desire to improve the condition of your river frontage country through better management.
  • Want to develop an implement a property improvement plan with support from a designated extension officer.

Interested landholders need to complete the Expression of Interest form and return to Burnett Catchment Care Association by 10 March 2017.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association