Baffle Reef System Repair Program
2016 - 2018BCCA was contracted by the Burnett Mary Regional Group to manage the final two years of the Baffle Reef Systems Repair program. The Baffle Creek catchment covers an area of approximately 4,000 square kilometres. According to the second Reef Plan Report Card, the Baffle catchment has the third highest riparian vegetation loss of all Great Barrier Reef catchments, a loss which was compounded by the 2013 flood.
Please see the map in this section of the Priority Areas for On Ground Investment.
This programs objectives of reducing sediment flow to the reef through specific on-ground activities including:
- Biodiverse plantings: establish and restore native riparian, wetland and waterway habitats as aquatic and ecological corridors, particularly to restore cleared lands and enhance existing native vegetation
- Manage invasive species in a connected landscape: control the spread of exotic invasive species across wetlands, riparian buffers to help protect and enhance habitat condition
- Protect and enhance existing native vegetation: e.g. stock exclusion fencing to protect riparian areas and wetlands; conduct community engagement and education i.e. workshops and field days
Unstable banks of the Baffle Creek
Bank stabilisation soft enginerring works in preparation for revegetation
Baffle Reef System Repair Program Results
The Baffle Reef System Repair project was a BMRG initiative, coordinated by BCCA and aimed to curtail riparian and wetland vegetation loss and the contribution of sediment and nutrient entering the Great Barrier Reef. This was achieved through the protection and restoration of riparian areas and wetlands through restricting cattle access, revegetating cleared and degraded areas and managing invasive weeds and feral pigs. Throughout the 5 year project, 55 on-ground projects saw 4925 ha of lantana, cats claw creeper and rubber vine controlled, 3750 ha of feral pig control, 28 ha of revegetation and 277 ha of riparian vegetation protected by fencing.
Baffle System System Repair Program Events
Baffle System System Repair Program Program News
Baffle project set to help repair the Great Barrier Reef
BCCA has been appointed by the Burnett Mary Regional Group to manage the final two years of the 5-year Baffle Reef Systems Repairs project. According to the second Reef Plan Report, the Baffle catchment has the third highest riparian vegetation loss percentage of all...