Burnett Catchment Care Association were recently successful in receiving a National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4 grant. Our project – ‘Bugs, Beetles and Biocontrol – Transforming landscapes in the Burnett through innovative management practices’ will advance a range of biocontrol solutions that challenge traditional approaches and improve the way the established weed species of Parthenium and Cat’s Claw Creeper (CCC) are managed in the Inland Burnett.

To project will aim to establish biocontrol breeding facilities at two locations in the Burnett – Eidsvold and Monto.  The nurseries will be used to produce biocontrol agents for release and subsequent monitoring at identified key priority sites.

Our proposed project is designed to create a long-term and sustainable management of CCC and Parthenium in the North Burnett region via the ongoing production and use of effective biocontrol agents. The project will collaborate with the Bunya Peoples’ Aboriginal Corporation, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, North Burnett Regional Council and Monto State High School.

More information for landholders interested in being involved in the program will be available in the coming months.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association