The Queensland Government needs your help to inform the development of a roadmap and action plan, to shape the next 10 years of research, development and extension (RD&E), to grow the agriculture and food sector.  The roadmap is part of the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland initiative—a $405 million suite of programs designed to drive innovation and create the knowledge-based jobs of the future.

To ensure they address the key issues, they have released a discussion paper that profiles the existing landscape and asks a range of questions on how we can better manage and take advantage of RD&E opportunities.  Your experience and foresight is valuable— the Queensland Government will use it to direct future RD&E to improve economic productivity, environmental sustainability and generate jobs in the sector.

Your feedback on the topics raised in the discussion paper (PDF) are needed to help shape Queensland’s agriculture and food RD&E roadmap and action plan.

Ways in which you can submit your feedback are listed below:

Attend a consultation forum

Agriculture and food RD&E consultation forums will be held at:

  • Bundaberg—Tuesday 4 July
  • Emerald—Thursday 6 July
  • Brisbane—Monday 10 July
  • Cairns—Friday 14 July
  • Bowen—Monday 17 July
  • Brisbane—Wednesday 19 July
  • Toowoomba—Thursday 20 July

Register to attend a consultation forum near you.

Submit a written response

There are 3 ways to submit written feedback.

Online: Complete the online survey. Please note you can save your response and return at any time.

Email: Download the response form (PDF) and email your completed form to:

Post: Download the response form (PDF) and post your completed form to:
R&D Policy and Partnerships
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, GPO Box 267, Brisbane  QLD  4001

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 28 July 2017.




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