Burnett Catchment Care Association (BCCA) and Queensland Primary Industries & Fisheries (QPI&F)

invite you to attend a “Combating Weeds Day”. Are you interested in how to manage weeds that are popping up in your area?

If so than this FREE information day is for you!! Mark this date in your diary!

WHEN:  Thursday 9 July 2009

Where:  Monto Showgrounds Hall

Time: 9am – 4pm Morning Tea, Sausage Sizzle Lunch & Afternoon Tea will be provided.

RSVP: Wednesday 8 July 2009 BCCA Office 41653551

Keynote Presenters include:

Kym Johnson & Daniel Stock – Lantana WoNS project (Queensland Primary Industries & Fisheries) will introduce the Lantana Best Practice Decision Support Tool and will also outline other work that is being done by the Lantana WoNS group.

Jodie Sippel – Land Protection Officer (Queensland Primary Industries & Fisheries) will discuss declared weeds found in the local area and legal obligations in regards to declared weeds and other weeds to keep watch for.  Topics will include identification, impacts and control measures.

Terry Haupt & the Small’s Creek Landcare Group will discuss the success of the Blue Heliotrope biocontrol beetle.

Lousie Newman (BCCA) – will discuss the competitive pastures for Parthenium Control & Compost Teas for Creeping Lantana control project.

Nicholas Koch – DowAgro Sciences will discuss woody weed control options and chemical options.

There will be several weed displays on show with plenty of take home materials.  All presenters will be available in the afternoon for individual discussions to answer questions & to help provide take home material on weeds/topics of interest.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association