The Grazing Resilience & Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) Workshop was held in Monto on 14 March 2023. It was very well attended by landholders keen to hear about the new Drought Program. The workshop included speakers from Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG), Rural Financial Services Southern Queensland (RFSSQ) and Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA).
The workshop covered:
✅Developing Property Management Plans – Identifying key ways they can improve productivity and resilience
✅Discussions around changes to the drought program and what it means for them
✅Understanding the Reef regulations
✅Opportunities to reduce erosion, improve paddock productivity and business resilience and practical soil demonstrations
Attendees were given the opportunity to have a property visit by DAF and BMRG staff in the days following the workshop to get accredited land condition assessments done and assist them with any other areas where they had identified a need for external input or advice. They will also receive updated property maps and assistance with their personalised Drought Preparedness Plan, allowing them to access grants and loans through the new Future Drought Funds scheme.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association