What will it take to move you? $5 million?

That’s today’s value of 50 000m3 of hardwood timber and what we expect to be the shortfall per year with the closure of Qld’s State Forests for timber production.

BCCA, together with Private Forestry Southern Queensland ran a conference of a different sort this week, as almost 20 callers ‘phoned a friend’ as part of the Central Burnett Private Forestry Teleconference on Tuesday night, 7 Oct.

The Association is stepping forward to meet the needs of its members and the catchment’s stakeholders and hosted its first teleconference to discuss the up and coming situation for Queensland’s hardwood timber production. The sunset clause of 2024 on the State Forests as a resource means that there is an ever-increasing need to look to the private native forestry resource.

Participants in the teleconference benefited greatly by hearing first hand from three industry experts – Sean Ryan (PFSQ), Dave Taylor (DNRW) and Sam Slack (Slacks Hardwood) – about the current issues in native forestry and the significance of the Burnett’s hardwood resource.

BCCA staff were very pleased to have such a great response and the industry experts were pleased to be part of such an innovative event and applaud BCCA for understanding the needs of our catchment’s stakeholders.

A summary of discussion points and questions is available via this link Teleconference Summary or by calling the office for a hard copy.

A more in-depth look at private native forestry will be covered in a field day at Monogorilby on Wednesday October 15 starting at 9am and running until 2.30pm. For more information and directions or to RSVP, contact the BCCA office on 4165 3551.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to speak to private native forestry experts!

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Burnett Catchment Care Association