In this issue:
- Reef Rescue Case Study – Sanderson & Carr
- Useful information regarding Flood Recovery Assistance
- Cat’s Claw Creeper Control in the North Burnett
- BlazeAid lending a hand for flooded farmers
- Staff members flood photos
- Welcome Veronica to the BCCA team
- Land For Wildlife in the inland Burnett
- 2013 flooding in Mundubbera – a staff members perspective
- An endangered species found in the inland Burnett
To view the latest issue of the burnett buzz click HERE!
Past Issues
The Burnett Buzz……Autumn 2019
The Autumn Burnett Buzz is out!! Highlights include: Monto Growers visit farm of GRDC’s ‘2018 Grain Grower of the Year’. Gully Erosion manual—get your copy today! On-line hub Ag Strategy Survey winner Getting the EDGE in Business To download click here!! ...
The Burnett Buzz…..Summer 2018/2019
Highlights in our Summer 2018/2019 issue: Monto Agricultural Strategy Barambah Weeds Project Meet Kirstie Roffey and Hannah Vicary Business EDGE - is your business providing you with more than just a job? To download click here!!
The Burnett Buzz …… Winter
Incorporating Grazing BMP principals into Pecan production! How risk affects farmers’ decision making. Grower collaborations & working together Field walk identifies 144 species of plants at Rocky Creek in the Baffle Catchment. To download the newsletter click...