Improve your business with a working knowledge of Excel – Tansey & Wondai
25 February - 26 February
FreeBCCA and AgConnect are running two excel workshops in the South Burnett – Tansey & Wondai
TANSEY – Tuesday, 25th February, 2025
Venue: Tansey Bowls Club
WONDAI – Wednesday, 26th February, 2025
Venue: Wondai Diggers Club
- Have you downloaded a spreadsheet and not been able to use it?
- Do you struggle with dealing with endless data and information?
- This workshop will step you through the basics of Microsoft Excel and help you keep on top of your office work.
- The workshop will include practical grazing business spreadsheets that you can use at home.
Topics Covered:-
- Getting familiar with Excel
- Creating new worksheets
- Understanding and creating basic formulas
- Linking worksheets
- Entering and copying data
- Creating a new spreadsheet from a template
- Using Excel Help
COMPUTERS PROVIDED but you are welcome to bring and use your own device
Morning tea and lunch provided