This koala breeding season we are changing things up a bit.
This year there will be 2 prizes:

1st PRIZE: For the winner of the photo comp

2nd PRIZE: Lucky draw from all observations submitted
(So don’t worry about the quality of your photos!)

Also let us know about sightings without photos.

‘Poop’ is not a dirty word!

As part of this program we are also calling for community to assist us in collecting koala scat for DNA testing. This activity is aimed better understanding the health of local koala populations. Contact us if you would like to know more or be involved. To download an information sheet click here!!

You can contact us:
Facebook messenger
Phone: 07 4166 3898

The Burnett Koala Program is delivered by BCCA with funding from Australian Government: Department of Industry, Science and Resources in collaboration with wildDNA & Federation University Australia, OWAD Environment, Goondicum Pastoral Co and Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc.

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Burnett Catchment Care Association