On the 8th and 9th August, graziers in the Eidsvold and Auburn areas were given a double dose of support for sustainable grazing. Our Better Burnett program hosted, along with DPI&F, two information sessions at Eidsvold and Narayen Research Station outlining the support both our organisations will be providing over the next 12 months. Bill Schulke from DPI&F spoke about a Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) funded project that would see up to 5 groups of graziers move through a range of group learning experiences including the Edge Network’s Grazing Land Management workshop.

Dean, Louise and I helped hold both the information sessions and Dean gave an overview of the Better Burnett project.  As the Better Beef coordinator for the Better Burnett project, I gave attendees a peek at the incentives available for sustainable grazing that our program has to offer.  The attendees included members from Small’s Creek Landcare, Auburn River Landcare and Three Rivers Beefplan group and attendees at the Narayen session seemed particularly keen to be involved in both the GLM project and the Better Burnett project. 

I told the Narayen attendees to keep an eye on their mailboxes for details on the information sessions we are holding on the 29th Aug at Monogorilby and again at Narayen and a chance to win $5000 on-ground work on your property. 

Katie Sibson – Better Beef Coordinator

Narayen Information Session

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Burnett Catchment Care Association
Narayen Information Session