Reef Rescue is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program aimed at improving water quality in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon through assisting farmers and graziers to improve their management practice. Within the grazing industry in the Burnett Mary region, the Burnett Mary Reef Partnership is providing support to our coastal graziers to improve and enhance their current grazing management.
As part of this Reef Rescue program, Burnett Mary Regional Group and BCCA are pleased to provide coastal graziers with the opportunity to participate in the EdgeNetwork Grazing Land Management Workshop series presented by the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.
This successful workshop series provides graziers with strategies to improve the profitability and sustainability of their enterprise. This 4-day workshop is to be held at Miriam Vale CWA Hall on 28-29th April and 12-13th May 2009. This workshop series usually costs $1780 per enterprise, however with funding through Reef Rescue, we are able to offer this workshop for only $350 per enterprise. However, numbers are limited, so be quick to register.
For further information, please download the GLM Flyer and if you are interested in attending please also download and complete the Registration Form and fax to (07) 4165 3552 by COB 21 April 2009. Please don’t hesitate to call Letetia on (07) 41653 551 if you require more information.