Currrently in it’s 4th of 5 years, the Reef Rescue program has been run across the Queensland coast to help land managers to improve the management of and reduce their sediment and nutrient runnoff into the creeks and onto the Reef.
In the Burnett this year, 48 graziers‘ projects were funded with the assistance of BCCA’s Reef Rescue Field Officers, sharing over half a million dollars to build fences around creeks, improve groundcover in the paddocks and reduce erosion. Grazing is only one of the agricultural industries in the Burnett helping the Reef; others industries involved in Reef Rescue in the Burnett include the dairy, cane and horticulture industries.
A short video (click here to open in new window) has been produced by the Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective and Reef Alliance outlining the amazing numbers that have been acheived in the grazing industry across Queensland over the first 3 years.
Thank you to all the graziers who have partnered with BCCA with Reef Rescue over the years!
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